What were once 1960s libertarian fringe fantasies have now become reality. Zone Fever has arrived in the UK.
Starmer’s changed Labour Party is offically partnering up with Blackrock, this confirms the UK will be privatised.
The framework for the corporate coup lies in 74 Special Economic Zones (SEZs)and 12 Freeports. Free zones are designated areas with relaxed laws and by extension relaxed enforcement of laws separate from the host country. Secondary legislation is embedded within the free zones contracts, meaning zero Parliamentary and public scrutiny. All free zones give numerous tax breaks to corporations for 10 years, when the deadline for the tax breaks expires, companies are already lobbying the Govt to extend them. Free zone licenses are set at 25 years, Blackrock will asset strip councils and absorb all public services, corporate governance will replace social governance, collective sovereignty (people power) will be replaced with corporate sovereignty (asset classes power).
Now the figures.
Each SEZ receives £160 million in State aid which is public money, multiplied by 74 = £11 billion 840 million Each Freeport receives £25 million multiplied by 12 = £300 million
Teesside Freeport and SEZ has already spent £560 million of taxpayers money. Teesside was Sunak's flagship Brexit Freeports, profit share is split 90/10 in favour of the private sector. The UK public are paying billions in subsidies to some of the wealthiest and most corrupt corporations on the planet.
Your money is being invested in your region’s demise and your families transformation into serfs.
UK free zones contravene EU laws and regulations on State aid where govts of member states are prohibited from using State aid to make profits, this disrupts the integrity of the Single Market by creating an unlevel playing field. UK SEZs sabotage the UK's chances of rejoining the EU not just because of bypassing rules on State aid but also because of massive deregulatory 'freedoms' that allow companies to pollute the environment, 'self regulate', shred employment rights, tax evasion, turbocharge job displacement, and so on. None of this is acceptable to the EU.
Keir Starmer "There will be no rejoining the EU in my lifetime". Now you know why he says this.
Read the EU Commission website on State aid and SEZs https://europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2020/646164/EPRS_BRI(2020)646164_EN.pdf
Lord Smith of Kelvin is managing Director of Otter Ports Ltd which is the parent company of 8 of the UK's 12 Freeports, Otter Ports Ltd is registered in the Cayman Islands, Smith did not declare this in the register of interests, Smith was a pallbearer at the Queen's funeral.
Compulsory Purchase Orders apply to business, agricultural, and residential properties, it is no coincidence that 192 councils have worse debts than Birmingham which was issued with an S114 notice which is technically bankruptcy. 6,000 people could have their homes torn down as part of a £2.2bn project in which 1,266 council houses and 567 properties could be repossessed in a mass compulsory purchase order for the area. Birmingham is host to 6 SEZs. https://theguardian.com/uk-news/article/2024/jul/22/economic-violence-ladywood-birmingham-redevelopment-residents-clash-council
All 12 UK Freeports are housed inside a Special Economic Zone that ranges from 33 to 75km in diameter, why? SEZs are expansionist by nature, the growth Reeves obsesses with is about corporations, private equity making serious incursions into the public sector, that is privatisation not just of public services but of the entire country, SEZs perforate holes in the fabric of the nation, as zone fever takes hold, economies outside the zones will be forced to capitulate to the corporate political model.
6 days into office Rachel Reeves refused permission for the National Audit Office to investigate England's 48 SEZ's and 8 Freeports despite a damning report from the House of Commons Committee in April 2024, citing lack of transparency, questions over value for taxpayers money, and ignoring of the Nolan principles.
Join the dots. This all happened because of Brexit, which was based on 'exit strategies' developed in the 1960's, what were once libertarian fringe fantasies have now become reality.
Funny that, no-one told me in 2016 that leaving the EU would result in a stampede to create multiple onshore tax havens right across England, Wales and Scotland. Is that why the CBI were so quiet about the referendum back then, not taking a firm position one way or another? And do we all just stand back and let it happen?
Logically, the end game will be UK becomes one big tax haven, and if that's where we're heading, why not just make it happen rather than first create all these free ports first?
I wonder if Starmer still believes he's actually a socialist. If he does he's become seriously deluded. He also clearly knows nothing about economics, and believes everything Reeves tells him. And why Reeves ever joined a "Labour" party is a complete mystery, as she's clearly been totally indoctrinated by the neolib nonsense of Hayek, Friedman, etc al., purveyors of economic "theories" designed to make the rich richer and keep the serfs down.