Frightening.How to get the message to the people this most affects is almost impossible.

People deliberately kept under educated and just about managing is the government's way to facilitate this corporate coup.

Thank you for educating us.

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The nation of Great Britain is already lost. The only avenues left open are either further descent into mass impoverishment and corporate servitude or unpredictable violent revolution. The present global criminal fossil fuel ruling class, rather than following a politically gradualist approach, since their successful relatively non violent government takeover coups of the UK and US in 1963, publicly marked by the Profumo Scandal in the UK and the assassination of John F Kennedy in the US, have doubled down on their extreme devastating environmental and human exploitation and degradation behaviour, in both countries and globally, for over half a century now. All for mere personal profiteering. The individual men and women responsible and those who have run with their economic mass rapine and democide, they all have names and faces, and in the future will definitely be held to historical judicial account.

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